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The Four Shire Stone

“The stone which toucheth four sheeres, a thing rarely scene” [Thomas Habington, early 17th c]. Restoration of a local landmark (and Tolkien legend) has begun. It’s been great to be able to help with The Four Shire Stone project. “A big stone, three miles west from the Rollright Stones standing on a heath, being the name of Barton. The Stone is a very Marke or Limes of Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Oxfordshire’ [John Leland, historian to Henry viii, 1520] It's a slight misnomer these days though as the boundary of Worcestershire was redrawn in 1931 and four shires became three! If you would like to donate towards the restoration, please visit the crowdfunding page below. #moretonınmarsh #fourshirestone #cotswolds #restoration #thehobbit #tolkien #tyackarchitects


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