tyackarchitects Significant re-ordering of a late-17th century farmhouse. We have been working at the listed property over a number of years for different owners, extending, linking and refurbishing various elements. The latest works have been complemented with a comprehensive landscaping scheme, working with www.justinspink.com. Steel-framed crittal glazing has added a contemporary feel to the kitchen courtyard. #tyackarchitects #architect #design #designer #countryliving #countrylivinguk #countrylife #countrylifestyle #cotswold #cotswoldlife #cotswoldarchitect #cotswoldarchitects #cotswoldarchitecture #cotswold #cotswoldslife #cotswoldsarchitect #cotswoldsarchitects #cotswoldsarchitecture #gloucestershire #gloucestershirearchitecture #thecotswoldcommunity #cotswoldcommunity #justinspinkgardendesign #justinspink #sarahstyleinfusion #highgateconstruction #bespokesteelwindows